The New Zealand Smart Energy Technology Map is designed to give a comprehensive insight into smart energy technologies – including solar PV, advanced meter infrastructure, electric vehicles (EVs) and network scale batteries - and their uptake to-date in New Zealand.
The country’s 29 lines companies are shown on the map, each with their own unique data profile about solar, smart meters, retailers, metering equipment providers and key network operating statistics. Data is also provided in tables and graphs, including regional EV registrations, nationwide rapid EV charging points, national and regional solar installation trends over time and NZ-aggregated metering snapshots by retailer and metering equipment provider.
The colourful map provides a clear, insightful picture of the sector. Data shown has been gathered from a variety of sources and proofed by the Freeman Media research team to ensure it is up to date and accurate.
The map is a large 1.2m x 0.83m poster and it includes the following information:
For every lines company:
- Solar installations – by number of ICPs, MW installed and percentage of ICP uptake
- Advanced (smart) meters – by number of ICPs, and as per leading metering equipment provider and energy retailer
- Retailers - incumbent retailer by number of ICPs and total number of active retailers
- Operating metrics – total ICPs, annual peak demand (MW) and energy supplied (GWh)
Other data
- EVs registered in New Zealand, by region
- Solar installation trends tracked annually – by leading network and NZ-aggregated
- Metering snapshots by retailer and metering equipment provider
- Geographic location of network scale battery installations
- Geographic location of large solar generation assets, including asset capacity and average annual output (where available)
- Geographic location of rapid electric vehicle charging stations, colour coded by ownership
- Existing and planned transmission lines coloured by voltage. Shown down to 50kV
For further information please contact:
James Harvey
m +64 21 453 485
e james.harvey [at] freemanmedia.co.nz